Legal notices

Legal notices

Legal notices

The website is published by the Fédération de l’Hôtellerie de Plein Air de Rhône-Alpes. Their head-office is situated at 14 rue de la République – 38 000 Grenoble. The SHPAA is the Professional Union (set up according to the laws 1884 – 1920 – 1927) and registered at the mairie de Grenoble sous le n° 2535.
Concept : Ctoutvert
Hosting : Azure
For suggestions or information concerning this website, do not hesitate to contact us at:
FRHPA Rhône-Alpes
Chambre départementale des Deux Savoie
2 place du Général de Gaulle
07120 Ruoms

Concept and Development : 
Le site internet de la Fédération de l’Hôtellerie de Plein Air Rhône-Alpes été réalisé par :
10 place Alfonse Jourdain
31000 Toulouse
Tel : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)

Mail :


Personal data processing

We respect the Law “Informatique and Libertés” (art. 27 of the Law n° 78-17 of January 6 1978). Therefore, you have the right to modify, rectify or to delete information that concerns you.
To use this right and to have access to the information, you can contact :
FRHPA Rhône-Alpes
Chambre départementale des Deux Savoie
2 place du Général de Gaulle
07120 Ruoms



This website falls under the French and international legislation concerning copyright and patent right. The names, brands and logos on this website are property of the ones that have registered them. Total and partial use or copy of the website, its elements and information by any possible mean will be considered counterfeiting according to the Copyright code and will be prosecuted.


The FRHPA Rhône-Alpes is not responsible for the contents available on other sites with which a linking was made or with which a linking was made without our knowledge. Access to other sites, linked with this website, is at risk of the user. The FRHPA Rhône-Alpes is not responsible for any information on other websites from which a linking is made to our website.


Camping le Sougey
Camping les 3 Lacs
Camping Les Peupliers
Camping Les Chavannes
Camping l’Escale
Camping La chapelle Saint Claude
Camping Le Cretoux
Camping l’Idéal
Camping les Fontaines
Camping du Lac de Carouge
Camping Saumont
Campéole la Pinède
Camping Saint Disdille
Camping le Châtelet
Camping les Myosotis
Camping Le Bois Joli
Camping du Col
Camping les Lanchettes
Camping l’Eden de la Vanoise
Camping le Versdoyen
Camping le Giffre
Camping Chantalouette
Camping les Charmilles
Lauwrence Clayton